A Well-Rounded Post

It may have taken me a sweet forever to get here, but now that this baby’s arrival is less than 8 weeks away, I’m finally starting to get things ready for her. I realize that some people would have the nursery completed, a closet full of clothes, and the hospital bags packed by this point.  So I’m a bit behind but it’s all good.  The music man has told me all along that it’ll all be taken care of in time.  I believe him, but I’m realizing now that they will get done because I will do them!

Sooo…Here are a few things I’ve been working on this morning…

I chose my new car seat cover…only with hot pink minky instead of the pale pink.

I also chose the pattern for the car seat canopy I’m making. I’ll cut up a cute black and white fleecy blanket I found on clearance at The Walmarts and use hot pink fabric for the straps to match the car seat cover.

It may not seem like much and The Music Man would tell you that these aren’t even necessary to get for baby (Hello Wife!  We’re going to need diapers and clothes for this child.), but trust me when I say it’s a very good thing that Mamacita is finally wanting to do anything for baby so let’s just go with whatever fixation she’s having at the moment.

I also got these in the mail yesterday.

Ebay’s a great place to get gently used things for baby.  However…I’m not 100% please with my purchase.  I don’t feel like going into the whole story of the whys, but I do have a strong word for sellers on ebay or any other company for that matter…BE VERY SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SELLING even if it means saying things that you think won’t sell your product.  Don’t gloss over things.  If you do, you’ll just get unhappy customers that will want to leave bad feedback to warn other buyers of your ways. If you’re product is more than “gently” used, just say so.  There are still people out there that would buy it.  Just be honest for crying out loud.

There.  I’m done.

(Can you tell that Mamacita’s fuze is short these days? Sorry about that.)

I promise that this blog won’t turn into a giant baby shower in the weeks to come.  I’ll try to be well-rounded. I am literally well-rounded so it shouldn’t be too hard to write well-rounded posts.

Bahaha!  I’m funny.



How I Roll: Praying for Your Children

This is a How I Roll post.  From time to time I’ll show you the way we do things in our home (how we roll).  Some of my favorite posts to read on other blogs are these kind of posts. It gives me ideas and inspiration to make my own home and life move more smoothly.  So enjoy taking a look at how I roll.  Take my ideas and make them your own, just be sure to leave a few of your ideas for me to use, too.  

Do you pray daily for your kids?

I mean like really pray for them, using specifics and everything?

I’d like to say that I do and that I’m intentionally about how and what I pray, but the truth is that my prayers mostly sound like 911 calls to heaven… Lord, please help me! My kids are driving me nuts! Please make them stop!

Not proud of it, but it’s true.

So when I came across this list somewhere on the interwebby* I thought, Wow! I could totally print this out and have something specific and intentional to pray for my kids every day of the month. So that’s what I did.

Then I thought, I bet there are other moms and dads who’d love to pray for their kids in a more intentional way. So I whipped up a handy-dandy PDF file that you can go ahead and print out for you very own.

*I take absolutely no credit for this list.  I found it at The Fisher Family Blog. This List was compiled by Bob Hostetler. More info can be found at www.ReviveOurHearts.com.

Praying for Your Children

Captain America can be light and fluffy if given the right light and the right fluff.

So yesterday’s post was a bit on the heavy side. I bared my soul. I was nekkid. Today on the other hand, I will be keeping things light and fluffy. I will not be nekkid. Or even naked.

(Side note: Yesterday in an unintentional attempt to keep my day heavy I decided to make yeast bread from scratch without the modern-day help from a mixer or bread machine. The bread was delish but very, shall we say, dense.

I was lamenting to the Music Man that the bread I made was not light and fluffy. His words of encouragement: “But you’re light and fluffy.”

He realized immediately that his choice of words was probably not the best thing to say to his oh-so pregnant wife. Then he tried again and said my hair was fluffy. Poor guy.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, light and fluffy. I don’t want you thinking that this blog is all serious and that I’m just this über retrospective girl with no sense of humor or life. So unlike the bread, we’re going to rise to the occasion…

(Ha! Get it? RISE to the occasion?)

May I present the light and fluffy for the day…


All I can say is that he had just told me that he had locked me in jail for being mean.

Like I said…today is all about the light and fluffy.