A true Christmas miracle

Last night, on this Christmas Eve of the great year of 2012, I went to bed at 9:49 in the p.m. The Baby woke me from the deepest sleep sometime around 10:08. In the span of 19 minutes my husband had come to bed although I have no memory of it.

Once The Baby was settled, my head hit the pillow and I was out. I didn’t wake up again till 7-o-clock in the a.m. I think I was the first one in the house to wake up. No. Wait. The Man was already up reading the day’s news on his overly bright phone. (Love ya babe!)

But what a glorious night’s sleep!!! For the first time in many moons I actually felt rested when I woke up rather than groggy and grumpy. It’s truly a Christmas miracle!

Currently it’s 8:17 in the a.m. I’m sitting by the unlit tree (I can’t find the plug.) waiting for the rest of my clan to get up/wake up, because… get a load of this…


At 8:18 in the a.m. on CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!

What is wrong with them??? Where have I gone wrong??? I feel as though I have some how failed as a parent.

(Not really. I’m jut so shocked they’re not up that the over-dramatic side of me is coming out.)

I mean. Come on! It’s CHRISTMAS!!

So now I’m off. To find the plug for the Christmas tree. To get some coffee and breakfast. TO WAKE MY KIDS UP!!!

Apparently someone didn’t get the memo.

Another, albeit weird and incredibly unsettling, Christmas miracle!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Hey Girl…

So apparently, after last night’s emotional post I feel the need to bring your something light and fluffy and completely random today. Without further adieu…

Ryan Gosling is all over the internet with these “Hey Girl…” meme.  Have you seen them? I like to be fashionably late to all fads internet related, so I’m just now seeing them. But they are hilarious. This morning I came across a few that were homeschool/SAHM related, and can I just say, I laughed so much that my children came to see what was going on. They didn’t get it.

Here are a few of my favorites I found on The Google. (Just search for Ryan Gosling hey girl homeschool or whatever your hobbies/interests are. There are hundreds of these out there.)

Oh and this is hilarious too. It’s Ryan reading some of his favorite “hey girl” posts.

You’re so very welcome.

I’m still laughing about it.



You’re having a bad dream. Wake up.

That’s how I woke up this morning.  Apparently I was whimpering and breathing heavy.  The truth was that I was having one of the funniest dreams of my life at that very moment and the LAST thing I wanted was to wake up from it.

I was at some sort of backyard bbq  at a Llama/Alpaca farm with a whole bunch of people.  I was having the time of my life and laughing harder than I have in ages.  Why, you ask?  I had a large casserole dish in my hand and was chasing the llamas/alpacas around the yard yelling “EAT YOUR FOOD BETH!” 

Remind you of anything???

Only I happened to be yelling at Beth, not Tina.

It still cracks me up to think about it.



I do apologize to anyone named Tina or Beth.  I don’t mean to yell at you unless of course you aren’t eating your food in which case…