Lets wrap it up.

So this weekend was a good’un. Thursday kicked it off with pizza and a movie. i have no idea what we watched. It was that good. Friday is usually the day to finish any left over school. The Daddy teaches science too. This week we skipped the school work in favor of deep cleaning my house and The Music Man working. It only took me four hours to clean the house, but those four hours lasted all.day. due to the many interruptions that occur when one has three kids and a husband working from home. But it was so worth it!! I love having a picked up, tidy house, but I love it even more when it really is clean clean. Like the kind of clean house you do before getting out-of-town company. My man worked well into the evening and then we just watched a movie. Again it was so compelling that I can’t remember it now.

I do remember that at some point on Friday, the Apple TV decided it had had enough Pingu and Busytown and quit working. Well, we all know that is unacceptable for The Music Man, so he called up Apple support and told them to fix it. Apparently, when he updated it this last time, the update fried the device. I have no idea how, but then again I can’t wrap my brain around the Internet. I mean where exactly are all those emails I sent? Just floating out the somewhere?

I digress. As is always the solution, we had to take it to the actual apple store. So on Saturday, we packed up the kids and headed to the mall. When I saw the parking lot I made the executive decision to stay in the car with the kids. Besides, I really, really hate going in the apple store. It smells like computers and B.O. There are always at least ten employees for every one customer and they stalk you as you browse iPhone cases. (I know this from first-hand experience.) As if that isn’t bad enough, the dozens of hipster employees don’t actually know what they’re talking about. My husband has repeatedly gone to the “geniuses” only to go home and have to fix what they did. Between message boards and YouTube, you, too, can be smarter than an Apple genius.

But, again, I digress. The Music Man was in and out in record time with a new Apple TV. We had lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise. They have the most delicious French fried potatoes, and I almost feel like I’m on vacation when we eat there. Almost, but not quite.

After we were fortified with cheeseburgers and French fired potatoes, we tackled the formidable errand that is grocery shopping with three children. It wasn’t that bad, however I left my list at home so I was winging it based on the coupons I had clipped on my phone and my general knowledge of what my family eats all the time. (Yay! SuperMom strikes again!) The total ended up being way more than I was expecting but I had to get out of that store. We sat in the car and went through every last item on that two foot long receipt and compared them to the coupons. I’m glad we did, because we had $35 in coupons that hadn’t been applied. Boom! Always, always check your receipts!! (And don’t let your 15 year old checker talk about the many stupid antics of Ochocinco to your husband. I guarantee he will make a mistake, but your husband will have already bonded with him and not feel compelled to shut’er down.)

Sundays are basically our Mondays since its a work day for my pastor-husband. Yesterday was no different except he had to be out of town for most of the afternoon and evening. We did have lunch with some of my most favorite people in the world-the McDowells. Their kids, have babysat our kids for years and are now both in college. Sarah (the youngest) was home for fall break. I adored hearing about her first weeks of her freshman year. College was one of the best times of my life and it still feels like it was just yesterday! I love to relive those days through anyone who will let me.

James (the oldest) was still at school so we sent him this picture to make him feel the depth of how much we were missing him.

20121015-124440.jpg At that right there is a blessed family.

Monday is blessing me with all sorts of fun surprises.
You woke up an hour late? Surprise!
You can’t find clean underwear? Surprise!
Your son is unable to function without crying? Surprise!
You left a load of laundry in the washer last week and now it’s smelly? Surprise!
You didn’t print out all the worksheets you need for your geography lesson? Surprise!

Yay! Don’t you just love surprises?!

And that was just this morning. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day and week hold for me!

You just published your its prematurely without any editing? Surprise!